With the winter months upon us we are in need of a lot of the items listed bellow. We like to have a nice stock of all of these items for emergencies.
Having a wedding, open house, family reunion, do not let those left overs go to waste, we gladly accept unused food to feed the homeless.
We have a amazon smile account and we would love it if those of you that use amazon choose us as your organization. to do so go to amazon.com/smile and you will be prompted from there.
As of 11/10/16. the Samaritan House is currently in need of....

....financial donations to help with expenses and the ongoing repairs to our shelter. Monetary donations keep the shelter going and our utility bills paid. It helps with needed supplies that have not been donated and supplemental foods like milk, eggs, bread, meats and fresh fruit and vegetables.
Please contact us if you are interested in pledging ongoing support, making a one-time gift or dropping off needed supplies. We can be reached at 440-992-3178. Remember, we are open throughout the day. If you call and reach our digital mailbox, please leave a message. Someone will call you back to set up a time convenient for you to drop off your donations.
The Shelter also needs,
Disinfecting Wipes
Disinfectant Spray
Pine Sol
Laundry Soap
Kitchen Trash Bags
Dish Soap
Toilet Paper
Towels and Washcloths
Rubber Gloves (all sizes)
Dryer Sheets
Tea Bags
Deodorant (Men and Women)
ACTS Bus Tickets
Antacids (Tums, Rolaids, Pepto Bismal, etc.)
Storage/Freezer Bags (Quart and Gallon Sizes)
Antibacterial Cream
Bathroom and Kitchen Cleaners
Aluminum Foil
Mouthwash (Small bottles)
Coffee Creamer
Allergy Medicine
Tooth Paste
Regular Sized Shampoo and Conditioner
Body wash
If you have any questions fell free to contact us at (440)-992-3178 or by e-mail at [email protected]
All donations are deeply appreciated.
Disinfecting Wipes
Disinfectant Spray
Pine Sol
Laundry Soap
Kitchen Trash Bags
Dish Soap
Toilet Paper
Towels and Washcloths
Rubber Gloves (all sizes)
Dryer Sheets
Tea Bags
Deodorant (Men and Women)
ACTS Bus Tickets
Antacids (Tums, Rolaids, Pepto Bismal, etc.)
Storage/Freezer Bags (Quart and Gallon Sizes)
Antibacterial Cream
Bathroom and Kitchen Cleaners
Aluminum Foil
Mouthwash (Small bottles)
Coffee Creamer
Allergy Medicine
Tooth Paste
Regular Sized Shampoo and Conditioner
Body wash
If you have any questions fell free to contact us at (440)-992-3178 or by e-mail at [email protected]
All donations are deeply appreciated.